Saturday, May 29, 2010

Episode 103

Episode 103, Santa Monica, is up for the viewing. Also give a listen to Mario's track in Act 1.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Music By Mario

Just got music selection from Mario today. His track "Boonies" will be the opening song for Act 1 for Episode 103.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In the works

Episode 103 is 75% complete. Music is the only left to add. 103 will also feature music from fellow PKLA member Mario.

Episode 104 and 105 are in the Stringout phase.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

24p Pasadena

I was testing my Kodak Zi8 720 60p features this Saturday at the Meetup in Pasadena. I put together a quick cut. I like the look and I plan to put together a choreograph video in the near future. I used Final Cut Pro and Cinema Tools on this video.